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Enjoy peace of mind with our exclusive 

We don't mess around when it comes to your home.


Our work is always insured and guaranteed wherever possible. 


We want you to feel secure when you put your property in our hands.



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TImber Treatments Guarantee

The Timber Treatments Guarantee is automatically applied to all eligible works completed by the company*.


We adhere to the industry standard by guaranteeing our works for 10 years from the date of completion. 

* To find out if your project is eligible for guarantee, please get in touch.

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DPA Guarantee

To complement our own Guarantees and provide a peace of mind for our customers investing in their property, we have become members of the Damp Proofing Association.


To register, we pay a One Off Premium on your behalf.


Please see GPI website for more information:

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Manufacturer's Guarantee

As a Delta Membrane Systems Limited approved contractor, we are able to offer the benefit of their product guarantee.  

Each project must be registered individually, so if you're interested in this guarantee, please get in touch with us for more information.
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Liability Insurance

Our Liability Insurances are as follows:


Employers' Liability

Limit of Indemnity: £10,000,000 (except for instances of Asbestos, Data Protection,
Offshore and Terrorism where there is a limit of £5,000,000). All any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising from out of one originating cause.


Public Liability

Limit of Indemnity: £5,000,000 any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out

of one originating cause.


Products Liability

Limit of Indemnity: £5,000,000 in the aggregate in the period of insurance.


Professional Indemnity

Limit of Indemnity: £1,000,000 any one claim.


Pollution Liability Sub-Section

Limit of Indemnity: £5,000,000 in the aggregate in any period of insurance.


Product Guarantee Extension

Limit of Indemnity: £500,000 any one claim.


Financial Loss Extension

Limit of Indemnity: £500,000 any one claim.

Timber Treatments Limited
Route Militaire

Product manufacturer of our specialist materials

01481 248383
Mon - Fri  8am - 5pm

Product manufacturer of our specialist materials


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